Requires documentation of testosterone levels amid a fervor of recently transitioned swimmers breaking records in women’s athletics
Significant work remains to be done, particularly in areas affecting some of the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQ+ community
Its Student Handbook prohibits same-sex romantic/sexual relationships as well as actions deliberately discordant with birth gender
“Pleas for help & sensitivity training on LGBTQ issues were ignored - relentless harassment stripped me of the joy of teaching”
“I truly, truly hope that positive changes come from what has happened to me to where no other individual has to walk this path”
Arizona is no stranger to anti-LGBTQ bills. In 2020 lawmakers sent an anti-LGBTQ education bill to Republican Gov. Ducey’s desk- he vetoed it
Critics in school systems throughout the country have said its sexually explicit content is not suitable for school libraries
Democrats still have a 21-19 majority in the state Senate, and they have signaled they will oppose any effort to curtail LGBTQ rights
Some 4,000 U.S. pastors spoke about it from their pulpits in a show of concern about similar laws coming into effect here
According to the report, “rainbow-washing” particularly aims at the trans community for conversion to cisgender identities