According to the report, “rainbow-washing” particularly aims at the trans community for conversion to cisgender identities
LGBTQ people are still official second-class citizens without full equal rights & figured out long ago that there is no “both sides” fairness
“There’s no doubt, that LGBT+ ideology grew out of… the same root as Germany’s Hitlerian National Socialism [...]"
“I believe the people want trans inclusion, racial equality, to end misogyny so women and girls feel safe walking home at night”
The newly sworn-in Republican Governor backed a Loudoun County teacher who opposed trans student guidelines
“Every child deserves to be lifted up and supported by their leaders and their government, not targeted and dehumanized”
After approximately 7 minutes of heated discussion where members from both sides got noticeably frustrated, the board voted 4-3 to fire Baker
Youngkin has said he does not support allowing trans children to play on sports teams that are consistent with their gender identity
Denver is considered to be one of the most LGBTQ-friendly cities in the nation. HRC gave the city a perfect Municipal Equality Index score
Fox figures repeatedly deadnamed and misgendered Thomas and used the story to attack gender-affirming health care