"The state's political leaders are making Tennessee a dangerous place for our daughter, & other children like her."
After discussions and consultations with Lincoln Police, the museum and the LGBTQ+ group citing safety concerns cancelled the event.
They have one agenda and that is to do harm to and in this case to denigrate and do political, social and physical harm to trans...
The groups allege that the law would require Christians to violate their religious beliefs or face fines under certain circumstances
Flight attendants are now speaking out publicly about the stress of managing increasingly unruly passengers at 35,000 feet
LAPD officers recorded firing projectiles 10 times and striking people with batons nine times according to body cam footage
Henderson's sexuality was the basis of his dismissal, his attorney said. He called the investigation into the anonymous letter "improper."
Law protects LGBTQ seniors in long-term care facilities from discrimination & mistreatment based on sexual orientation & gender identity
The latest skirmish in a decade plus long running cultural war battle over the company's founding family's support of anti-LGBTQ groups
Greene's bullying included a transphobic sign outside her office in response to another lawmaker raising a trans pride flag across the hall