The video quickly made the rounds in far right, and Trans-Exclusionary Feminist (TERF) sites and Anti-trans “feminist” websites.
"Discriminating against transgender youth is a higher priority than addressing the real problems affecting ALL Texans today"
LAPD is actively pursuing investigations into the 5 incidents and said several were reported injured as a result of the two sides clashing.
HB 1182 requires businesses to post a demeaning notice on their premises if they have policies allowing access for transgender individual
Superintendent Cloutier directed the school district attorney to contact an appropriate federal agency to conduct an independent review.
"We won’t go back into the closet, and we will not stay silent. And California will never reward states that act in bad faith"
We have always been deeply committed to structural change within the NYPD. We're LGBTQ and insist upon a place in our community’s Pride march
“They didn’t want me to say that I was queer, because they said it would exclude people in the audience,” Dershem told NBC 10.
Discrimination is not a Louisiana value, and this bill was a solution in search of a problem that simply does not exist in Louisiana
Mehta points out this type of rhetoric is quite likely to inspire violence against the LGBTQ community by one of Shelley's followers