We also began promoting the power of kindness to heal our broken world and to promote and support LGBTQIA+community and ethnic diversity
The league has written rules and guidelines that call for the referees on the field to halt game play if fans ignore warnings
Crowder engaged in a homophobic tirade, claiming that being gay could make mental health issues, promiscuity, and AIDS “more likely.”
The Trump administration had actively pursued actions that created a hostile political and cultural environment for the LGBTQ community
New company claims it protects kids from LGBTQ Cult: "Christian tech startup responds to Pride Month helps parents block LGBTQ+ propaganda"
"He promised me that he'd always support those impacted by the Pulse shooting. Today he vetoed mental health services- I will never forget"
Within mere minutes the boat with the anti-LGBTQ occupants burst into flames causing the hooligans to dive into the water and swim away.
Maryland now joins with the 15 other U.S. states and territories that have banned use of the LGBTQ panic defense
"It would be a mistake not to place kids with wonderful couples that want to be foster parents that are gay," the governor told reporters
Most medical and psychological professional associations strongly oppose “conversion therapy” as illegitimate