Students and First Amendment lawyers say Wendler’s portrayal of drag shows is off base and the cancellation violates free-speech rights
Approximately 200 attendees enjoyed the read-a-thon, led by the Drag Kings, Queens and Royalty of Drag Story Hour NYC at the center
Boycotting Travolta, Diamond Hunting with Laverne Cox, Outing the Governor’s Brother… and Other Adventures in the War to Win LGBTQ Equality
The Transportation Secretary, asked on Monday whether they are owed an apology from Pence, said, "I'll let others speak to that"
One of the most common arguments brought up- The idea that 80% of trans people "will desist" is a complete lie that is easy to debunk
The editorial board of the Miami Herald wrote a scathing critique of the policies of Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis
The Mid-Vermont Christian School basketball team forfeited a tournament game rather than compete with a transgender student-athlete
This is the third time the state’s Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco has targeted a business that hosted a drag show
"Legislation ‘outing’ transgender students against their will does not protect them it puts them in potentially life-threatening danger"
A serious threat are those who know how to walk the fine line between first amendment rights and that defined as illegal harassment