State & federal investigators are looking into protesters of a local drag queen show but so far they have not been able to make a connection
With Putin's signature, Russian LGBTQ+ people "will cease to be publicly known" effectively driving them underground
Fox news host Laura Ingraham launched into a transphobic rant claiming the political left are cheering on what she termed anti-humanism
By Michelangelo Signorile (reprinted with permission from The Signorile Report, Subscribe here)| NEW YORK – On his first Fox News broadcast following the November 19th mass...
Qatar’s laws against gay sex and treatment of LGBTQ people were flashpoints in the first World Cup to be held in the Middle East
Liberty Counsel's CEO amplified the lie that same-sex marriage would lead to "grooming" and child sexual exploitation
We endure. We must. Yes, we are still afraid. But we reach for each other and embrace inspiration where we can find it
The legislation still needs the approval of the upper House and President Putin- introduces an expanded "all ages" anti-LGBTQ propaganda ban
Fallout over the shooting continues as anger mounts at what many in the LGBTQ+ community see as a resurgence of anti-LGBTQ+ hate speech
Herod, who grew up in Colorado Springs, is the first Black LGBTQ person to hold office in the Colorado General Assembly