DeSantis’s move, per a clause in the state’s constitution, would have the effect of removing Warren from office
Obergefell's primary win comes as the right he stood to secure has now returned to mainstream political debate
The Family Research Council has been designated an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center
Lake in the Hills had created “a victory for hateful, anti-LGBTQ+ voices who attacked the owner and bakery after coverage of the drag brunch”
It was unclear as of Tuesday if the Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office will file the charges as recommended
The “Save Women’s Sports Act,” restricts transgender girls from playing on school sports teams that match their gender identity
Toxic rhetoric claiming the LGBTQ community aims to “indoctrinate,” “mutilate,” & “abuse” children spreading in Spanish-language media
Becker School Board Director Aaron Jurek did not return a call requesting comment. Nor did any of the other board members respond
“Experiences of discrimination, harassment, and violence against LGBTQ youth can contribute to trauma symptoms"
“The Department will not stand idly by as federal agencies attempt to impose a sexual ideology on Florida schools"