For the time being, Facebook ads are out. It’s possible that I may never run ads on that platform again, but certainly not any time soon
Suspect was arrested following a two-hour standoff with SWAT police at the 'Solace on Peachtree' apartment complex in Midtown
Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is working towards, what appears to observers to be dedicated efforts, to completely erase LGBTQ+ people
GLAAD’s annual Social Media Safety Index gave Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube failing scores on LGBTQ safety
“One's biological sex must be affirmed- no attempts should be made to physically change, alter, or disagree with one's biological gender"
Dr. Nina Vasan, clinical assistant professor at Stanford University School of Medicine offers advice on mental health resources
Escalating threats show how anti-trans bigotry promoted by conservative pundits risks metastasizing into stochastic terrorism
Judge Burke wrote that parents rather than legislatures & courts ought to “play the primary role in nurturing and caring for their children”
Per the union’s lawsuit the impetus behind the policy was to prevent more negative media attention by silencing teachers and employees
Unhappy over 2nd/3rd place in a statewide competition parents of two high school student athletes asked if girl who claimed 1st is trans