Other bills allow for the denial of certain services to LGBTQ+ people, based on religious exemptions also being considered by GOP lawmakers
Hearing was wide-ranging on issues in the aftermath of the Dobbs decision, including marriage, contraception & intimacy for same-sex couples
“But what’s happening now – banning books, suppressing speech, the othering of our students, teachers, parents – it’s alarming"
What’s different about this latest scandal, which concerns Los Angeles based minister Jesse Lee Peterson- Maybe he just has a wide stance?
Findings: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube and all platforms receive scores under 50 out of 100
“When hate rears its head, we all must respond, whether it’s a parade in Idaho, a historic Black church in D.C., or the U.S. Capitol”
"This rationale assumes the way that heterosexual members build their families should be rewritten regardless of their personal preference"
“Dude- I’m using the right bathroom,” Ruiz replied, explaining he was following the directions of the campground’s owner, Rick Cross
“Fairness of competition is paramount” officials claim with “open category” to resolve whether trans women athletes can compete with ciswomen
“The materials you referenced have been removed for legal review to ensure the content complies with recent state legislation”