Letter issued last month to the United Nations that expressed alarm over the “deteriorating human rights situation” for LGBTQ Texans
The 16-year-old's death on Feb. 8 sparked outrage and questions about the high school's response to the altercation
New documents show that close allies of former President Donald Trump who would likely serve in senior White House roles
"Because of these ever growing attacks on our community, the need for LGBT leaders has never been greater"
“When Republicans took control of the House of Representatives last year, we saw an avalanche of attacks against the LGBTQI+ community”
Speaking with the Washington Blade on Friday afternoon, Cameron Driggers and Jack Petocz relayed how they led the demonstrations
AUSTIN, Texas — The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, Equality Texas, GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign and the University of Texas at Austin School of...
"State & local politicians have declared war on freedoms, including the freedom to get necessary medical care, education, & to simply exist"
Republican presidential hopefuls Ron DeSantis & Nikki Haley traded barbs and touted their anti-transgender positions
A national web of right-wing organizations, grifters, talking heads and power-hungry politicians are working to hijack government