"In 2020, nearly 11,000 LGBTQ+ volunteers mobilized to help elect President Biden and Vice President Harris"
Ruiz, a distinguished figure in public health assumes the role as the first-ever Latino to serve as ONAP’s director
"I wouldn't be running unless I thought I could win," Harris said. Up first is Georgia's Democratic primary election on May 21
“Transgender medicine is absolutely necessary for transgender and gender diverse people including trans youth"
Biden addressed how “extremists are proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families
Mugisha, who is gay, is one of the most prominent LGBTQ advocates in Uganda, winning the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award
Berner becomes the 1st openly LGBTQ person to ever serve on the 4th Circuit & the 3rd LGBTQ woman to serve on any federal appellate court
Evidence suggests LGBTQ smokers may also less likely to call tobacco quitlines, & fewer are using counseling or smoking-cessation medications
The Committee's Democratic Chair U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill.) said this line of questioning has become rote for his Republican colleagues
If confirmed by the U.S. Senate the Biden-Harris administration will have appointed 11 openly LGBTQ judges to serve on the federal bench