Rick, de 16 años, se suicidó en Ecuador el 1 de febrero
Expands limitations on teachers addressing sexual orientation & gender identity from K-5 to kindergarten through twelfth grade
"Bullying is hurtful and cruel, and no one should face the bullying that Nex did. Parents & schools must take reports of bullying seriously"
16-year-old Nex Benedict died in an apparent suicide after a severe incident of physical assault and longtime bullying
"You cannot discriminate against a person because of their gender identity or expression. We have no room for hate or bigotry in New York”
"The points don't matter- you only get one little go around this little blue marble, so live it to your truth. That is what I say"
HRC appended its report with guidance on how to support Black LGBTQ youth for parents and caregivers, educators & professionals
House Bill 536 passed in the Democrat-controlled chamber by a 53-43 vote margin. State Del. Joshua Cole who is bisexual, introduced the bill
Laura McGinnis, senior manager of press & public relations for PFLAG, said this year’s Lobby Day brought 146 attendees from 30 states & D.C.
“I would never put my name on any bill that targets or disparages or harms the trans or LGBTQ community” he told the Blade