The suspect has a lengthy criminal history which includes nearly a dozen felony convictions for crimes ranging from sex offenses to burglary
LGBTQ rights & protections come under attack during the Trump administration — and they will come under attack again if Republicans prevail
Ten months before voters cast ballots in next year's June primary a number of contests with LGBTQ office-seekers are already taking shape.
"Have I exhausted all of my excuses yet? But no, I'm not going to I'm not going to run. I would miss being on the radio...
The people who oppose equal rights for our community are highly motivated by their homophobic and transphobic views, and they will vote.
Trumpism is still alive and well, even here in the state of California- Elder, is "out there promoting the same kind of bigotry and hate"
Hormel looked up at me and said with a grave simplicity I will never forget: "I do not want to die a second class citizen."
‘My spirituality and sexuality are intertwined’
“I don’t think homelessness can be solved – I know homelessness can be solved,” said Newsom. “We are going all-in with innovative solutions"
Extreme temperatures across much of California may create potential capacity shortfall on the state’s electric grid