“Look, words matter. Laws matter. When [LGBTQ youth] feel targeted by the words and laws of course, it can increase anxiety, depression”
Just one show on other cable, broadcast networks aired segments on the first anti-trans bill signed into law in 2022
The whole country is waiting for the Supreme Court to decide on one of the most serious challenges to abortion rights since the Roe v. Wade
The 52-48 vote defeating changing Senate rules was followed by sustained applause from the Republican side of the Senate chamber
LGBTQ people are still official second-class citizens without full equal rights & figured out long ago that there is no “both sides” fairness
Instead of annihilation, I decided a softer more gentle approach. Here is my open Christmas card to the “Concerned Parents of Hastings.”
Those who report using the site at least several times a week — say 70% to 14% that the social network harms, rather than helps society
LGBTQ performers part of backlash against restricting porn
CNN star is better at his job than most anchors on cable
Caused by the Delta variant, 40% of all cases reported in the United States occurred in three states, Texas, Missouri and Florida.