"A Catholic legislator who supports procured abortion, after knowing the teaching of the Church, commits a manifestly grave sin"
"This will be a three-way race for the highest office in our state, and this will be an election unlike anything any of us have ever...
“I wish it wouldn’t become such a hot button issue where people are just attacking each other – it's just common sense”
"We will continue to be honest with those who fall short of their commitments to us and our community,” they said
“I see Lauren Boebert as an obstacle – the same way I would see a traffic cone as an obstacle,” he said, adding: “Bring it on.”
“Look, words matter. Laws matter. When [LGBTQ youth] feel targeted by the words and laws of course, it can increase anxiety, depression”
A bill introduced by Senator Hertzberg Friday will enable private citizens to hold the gun industry accountable through civil litigation
Cabrera promotes the false notion that homosexuality is a mental illness. How could he serve as a leader for NYC’s mental health communities?
Ortiz saw, and still sees, Florida as a “mismanaged” state. “We could just be so much better if we elected the right leaders to office”
Youngkin addressed the issue but did not specifically apologize for the actions of his political operatives