A presentation planned for the group’s meeting on Tuesday, which will address content deemed offensive by its conservative members
Spirit of Matthew Award, is given to "one truly inspiring young person, whose courage, commitment, & outspoken leadership reminds us of Matt"
The judge also ruled the law should not be used to treat LGBTQ students differently or to fail to step in when they face bullying
The Russian President implied directly that the U.S. and its NATO allies assisting Ukraine were trying to erase Russian culture
“The intent of these bills seems to be to wipe out any discussion and pretend that [LGBTQ people] don’t exist”
"Censorship is the desperate rear-guard action of a movement that has already lost the fight for hearts and minds"
The Don’t Say Gay law prohibits discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in certain grade levels in public schools in the state
Duval County Public Schools slammed for removing 'Safe Space' stickers by Equality Florida as schools across state return to classes
“Non-inclusive educational environments have severe negative health impacts on LGBTQ+ students, resulting in increased mental health issues"
“Children should not be the political fodder used to inflame hatred and bigotry for the sake of winning and holding onto power"