Rep. Katie Hill says she’s determined to fight against what she calls a smear campaign designed to humiliate her. But, with an apparent nudge from House...
Calif. Democrat denies ethics rules breach
There was something comforting about Equality California’s 20th Anniversary Awards ceremony last Saturday, Sept. 28. The sold-out crowd of 1200-plus people in the JW Marriott/LA Live ballroom...
Bisexual Palm Springs City Councilmember Christy Holstege, gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom, trans Palm Springs City Councilmember Lisa Middleton, Rick Zbur, executive director of Equality California (Photo...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, state and local health departments, and other health experts issued a stark warning Sept....
During a week of flurry before Labor Day, the California Assembly and Senate Appropriations Committees determined which final legislation to pass to the floor for votes...
This is breaking the old mold of LGBTQ organizations arguing over who gets what cut of an ever-dwindling funding pie. Instead, Equality California is baking a...
For a second time, Straight Pride organizers failed to follow proper procedures to secure a city venue for their much-publicized Aug. 24 rally in Modesto, California....
Many who read Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s devastating 448-page investigation into Russian intervention in the 2016 elections and Donald Trump’s criminal complicity found the report so...
After the news media and elected officials reported on the inhumane conditions in which the Trump-Pence Administration is warehousing migrant children and adults fleeing poverty and...