Michigan Speaker of the House Joe Tate: “Representative Schriver has deeply and personally offended the Michigan House of Representatives”
O’Keefe is using dating apps to find targets for undercover videos and recruiting followers to sell it as “journalism”
Maine's Judiciary Committee voted down House Bill 1735, a shield law for transgender people fleeing other anti-trans state laws
Despite claims of "exploding rates of being trans" & "rapid social contagion," a new Swedish study shows an equilibrium of gender transitions
The lawsuit also says Media Matters is outside Paxton’s jurisdiction. It is based in Washington, and does not transact business in Texas
"When shoppers enter the seasonal aisles, they are greeted by pride flag waving Santa's and transgender-themed nutcrackers"
He killed himself after a far-right publication published photos and a story detailing the pastor-mayor's private and secret life
Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala published stating she helped "pioneer" trans care. The reality is more akin to a horror story
Right-wing media was quick with attacks and smears, especially focusing on her identity, the fact that she is a Black, LGBTQ woman
“The student plaintiffs are adults capable of determining for themselves whether the viewpoints advanced by their instructors have merit”