At the CNN debate in Iowa last week, Haley and DeSantis cautioned against another Trump term but largely focused their fire on each other
LA Blade Readers! This year, consider ordering your Girl Scout cookies from a trans girl scout to make their day!
Rep Julianne Young stated it did not ban gay characters, just "acts of homosexuality," which are undefined
SETAC Executive Director Paco Arjona did not respond to requests for comment on the status of the Puerto Vallarta LGBTQ health center
A virtual King Day celebration taking place at the National Civil Rights Museum where Dr. King was assassinated – beginning at 9:30 a.m.
LGBTQ+ news stories from around the globe including Ireland, Serbia, Greece, Poland, and Human Rights Watch issues annual global report
While 53 percent of all voters surveyed overall disagreed, 47 percent agreed with former President Trump's racist rant
Town Manager Jim Gleason stepped down from his position, citing the hateful remarks about his late son, who was gay
"I do not agree with the event, the activities of this organization do not correspond to the interests of Czech foreign policy"
The recent & continued uptick in discriminatory policies will continue to force LGBTQ+ adolescents to flee discriminatory states