The Daily Wire personality's channel has recently featured false accusations that the LGBTQ “agenda” is to push pedophilia
"Disclosing that a student is transgender without the student’s permission may violate California’s anti-discrimination law"
A Nashville native, Hill graduated from Hillwood High School in 1983. She served in the U.S. Navy and saw combat overseas during Desert Storm
McBride, who is America's first openly transgender state senator and the country's highest ranking trans elected official
"We reluctantly were willing to accept to ensure the children continue to have access to medical and behavioral health care”
"This is a coordinated & organized effort to erase not just trans people, but LGBTQ people from being able to publicly live our lives”
One Institute produces unique exhibitions and public programs that connect LGBTQ+ history with contemporary culture to effect social change
Asked whether everyone would feel welcome in America if he is elected president, DeSantis responded “100 percent
"What adults do in their lives- is one thing, but for kids under the age of 18— there’s a reason why we don’t let you drive...
The restriction on clinics serving trans youth bears a striking resemblance to liability laws targeting another medical procedure: abortion