I will always be a champion for all Ohioans, and I will continue to fight for the issues that matter the most to our district
The Los Angeles Times is reporting that two highly contested U.S. House races ended Monday after both Republican incumbents won reelection
Airlines were also fined $7.25 Million in civil penalties against six airlines for extreme delays in providing refunds
While Caruso held a slight advantage after last Tuesday's election night, Bass has outgained him with every release of voting data since
Senator Schumer is expected to bring the Respect for Marriage Act to the Senate floor for a vote on Wednesday
"United against Hate Week provides opportunities for every resident to get involved, show our strength, and take a real stand against hate"
With 218 House seats needed for a majority, Republicans had secured 212 and Democrats 204 as of Sunday- 19 races remained too close to call
“I have so much empathy for my younger self. I was the only little girl wandering the halls of this all-boys school”
Life Insurance Corporation of India is public sector entity
"Young people showed up to the polls and showed up to vote for important issues that pertain to all generations"