“People in this community have been able to be open & successful, thriving – but also recognise that we can’t be complacent” ~ London's Mayor
Here are the places hosting firework shows around Southern California, organized by each county in the region:
The GOP found out long ago that keeping their based terrified and angry was the key to victory: Democrats need to learn to use it as...
Los estadounidenses tienen bajo riesgo de contraer la viruela del mono: se está propagando entre los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres
"State officials who claim to champion liberty are limiting the freedom of their fellow Americans simply to be themselves”
“Sending out a parent notification could be seen as placing a target on a student’s back,” said Lauren Kelly-Manders, a Tallahassee resident
This repeals “loitering with intent to engage in prostitution” law, which results in profiling of sex workers particularly trans women
A record number of Americans are expected to travel by car this upcoming July 4th holiday weekend, per the Triple A auto club
"There was an altercation, obviously people are here & are upset about the bar having their Pride event," said the deputy police chief
"I also currently have monkeypox. Here's what my experience has been like so far and why you should take it seriously"