“When hate rears its head, we all must respond, whether it’s a parade in Idaho, a historic Black church in D.C., or the U.S. Capitol”
The Task Force Formalizes the Department’s ongoing work to protect reproductive freedom & rights under Federal Laws
Deadline for filing Nomination papers is August 12. General Municipal Election will Take Place on November 8
On the subject of the ongoing monkeypox outbreaks, officials are saying that there are currently 9,200 cases throughout 63 countries
As an Olympian diver Daley first represented Britain at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing China as a young teenager of 14
Violence against LGBTQ+, intersex people commonplace in country
The woman died at the scene and has not been identified, but a spokesperson for the Sheriff's department described her as being in her 30s
"This rationale assumes the way that heterosexual members build their families should be rewritten regardless of their personal preference"
Newsom signs bill so gun makers can be sued for the carnage their products cause- New law bolsters state’s nation-leading gun safety policies
“Dude- I’m using the right bathroom,” Ruiz replied, explaining he was following the directions of the campground’s owner, Rick Cross