“This draft opinion is an appalling attack on the rights of women across this country & it will destroy lives & put countless women in danger"
Boebert retweeted the extremely anti-LGBTQ+ “Libs of TikTok” tweet account run by the Brooklyn, NY real estate agent, Chaya Raichik
A Starbucks representative told media outlets the company is investigating the incidents and working with local police
April 29 ruling upheld decision not to allow group to register
“Frye is alleged to have punched a patron with such force that it knocked him to the ground. “The victim, Eric Pope, passed from his injuries"
“The settlement is another step toward closure for our clients who finally feel a sense of recognition and validation for speaking up”
Larkins' activism has done more than educate others – it's taught themself, as well. Florida cannot just be boiled down to 'rednecks & bigots'
“Those who attack our LGBTQIA+ community are driven by an agenda that has nothing to do with medicine. It has nothing to do with science"
"We expect the public schools we attend every day to see us as human beings and not a political inconvenience"
"We are appalled at what took place & in no way condone this type of activity in our schools. [and] commit to a thorough investigation"