The primary target of Patrick's ire was The Walt Disney Company's public opposition to the Florida Don't Say Gay law
It's a measure to enable private citizens to hold the gun industry accountable through civil litigation for proliferation of illegal firearms
Tyler O’Neil, has claimed that being LGBTQ is immoral, stated that “transgender identity is dangerous,” and promotes conversion therapy
“So-called ‘protections’ are smokescreens to cover up human rights violations” FIFA organizers previously said rainbow flags would be welcome
Anyone who believes they may have been a victim or targeted by the defendant is urged to contact the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office
Data transparency bill would help ensure that 1.4 million LGBTQ-owned businesses have equal opportunity to access capital and credit
"Ohio’s Don’t Say Gay bill is an insidious attempt to chill & censor free speech in classrooms- lawmakers are trying to erase LGBTQ+ people"
House Speaker Ralston compared the decision to how the NCAA regulates transgender participation in college sports
Boycott announced after prime minister backed trans-exclusive conversion therapy ban
Thomas Senzee was a California native whose award winning career spanned nearly thirty years in media with focus on the LGBTQ+ community