“Beyond Ed Buck,” a new documentary from ALLBLK, the streaming service for Black TV and film from AMC Networks
Jowelle De Souza owns beauty salon, champions animal rights
“Any effort to attach parental consent to this law is another layer of perpetuation of violence, removing power from the victim”
Guanajuato Civil Registry issued document to activist on Feb. 11
A spokeswoman for Ocasio-Cortez said it is common for members of Congress to consider new names for local post offices
“It’s very strange for something like this to happen in Decatur now”
"Knowingly subjecting children to abuse, abandonment, and neglect by forcing them to come out to their parents is cruel, dangerous"
Family of Allen Schindler organizes campaign opposing release
Couple filed complaint with country's Human Rights Commission
The 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing concluded Sunday but China’s ongoing abuses of human rights did not go unnoticed