"We’re not perfect at Public Justice, but we think that we understand the problem & we think that will make us much more effective advocates"
The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $4.94, which is a new record for the state
The health department has provided few updates on work to repair MADAP and has declined a meeting with concerned community members
The state-wide protests had been promoted and planned based on a series of social media posts from high school junior Jack Petocz
“This bill is not solving any actual problem in Indiana, but it is causing harm to actual trans youth in Indiana”
The City annually presents awards to people who have made outstanding contributions to the LGBTQ+ community
CARE (Community Assistance, Recovery, & Empowerment) Court empowers Californians in crisis to access housing, treatment, and care
This bill marks the second anti-trans bill enacted in 2022, and the 11th state to pass an anti-trans sports ban
“In Ukraine, the unprovoked attack of Russian military forces has caused an immediate crisis of human suffering and need”
California, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, Tennessee, Vermont & others concerned about young users’ mental health