The average price for self-serve regular gas in California is $4.73, which is a new record for the state and five cents higher than last week
“Look, words matter. Laws matter. When [LGBTQ youth] feel targeted by the words and laws of course, it can increase anxiety, depression”
“It’s awful that children had to even experience this in fifth-grade camp [...] If I was aware of it I would have kept my children home”
LGBTQ people are a necessary part of the fabric of society. Our families deserve to be celebrated & schools should be a safe space
Comcast/NBC Universal, UnitedHealth Group, Duke Energy, AT&T and Walgreens – have donated to the politicians behind the "Don't Say Gay" bill
"The bills would further stigmatize LGBTQ people and limit teachers’ abilities to discuss the realities of American history"
At 87%, South Dakota had the highest rate of LGBTQ+ residents reporting those mental health conditions, compared to 63% nationally
The economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have exacerbated the challenges facing people living in poverty
“Here Wentzville has targeted and removed books that are from the perspective and viewpoint of racial or sexual minorities”
A bill introduced by Senator Hertzberg Friday will enable private citizens to hold the gun industry accountable through civil litigation