Gallup noted that its pre-2020 polling did not ask adults which category LGBTQ+ category they identified with
FONTANA – As California emerges from the Omicron surge, Governor Gavin Newsom on Thursday unveiled the state’s SMARTER Plan, the next phase of California’s pandemic response in...
Derry Town Councilor, Joshua Bourdon, said he, his wife and children attended calling it a positive experience with no inappropriate behavior
She has actively supported QAnon conspiracies & promoted former President Donald Trump's lie that the election was stolen
The lawsuit comes after nearly a year of unsuccessful attempts to resolve the case outside of litigation, according to the SPLC
"Republican politicians are trying to score political points and pit Iowans against each other rather than address real economic issues..."
The theme for “WeHo Pride” & WeHo Pride LGBTQ Arts Festival 2022 is With Liberty, Diversity, Inclusion, and Progress For All
Cabrera promotes the false notion that homosexuality is a mental illness. How could he serve as a leader for NYC’s mental health communities?
Democrats maintain a 21-19 majority in the Virginia Senate & have vowed to block any anti-LGBTQ bill that comes before them
He spray paints the word "ABOMINATION" onto a rainbow flag, and later is seen in a mask burning a rainbow flag in a trash can