Data on COVID-19 vaccination among LGBTQ persons limited because of the lack of routine SOGI data collection at the national & state levels
SB 923 helps ensure health providers who interact with transgender, gender non-conforming, and intersex (TGI) patients provide inclusive care
“This is an important victory for the health and safety of transgender students in Virginia,” said Equality Virginia
Supporting medical services in communities of color
Washington Blade interviewed Jerlín last summer
Undeterred by the mayor's blatant homophobia the library set up a crowd fundraiser to offset a potential financial shortfall
The proposed ordinance would repeal existing rules in the City of Los Angeles requiring proof of vaccination with a COVID-19 vaccine to enter
“SB 46 attempts to solve a problem that doesn't exist- slamming the door shut for Trans student athletes to fully participate”
“Black and Brown people are treated differently and have been for years in this organization”
Doski Azad's brother shot her on Jan. 28