Research shows that intense amounts of discrimination is linked to increased risk of tobacco use. This is no coincidence
During a 2014 interview Matos revealed he was gay saying he had been inspired to do so after seeing the YouTube coming out by diver Tom Daley
"Why are we allowing places that aren’t safe for ALL fans and ALL players to host our most prestigious sporting events?”
The law lets prosecutors pursue hate crime charges when a crime involves defacing properties owned by local governments or organizations
“I didn’t want to be a pregnant man in Texas,” he said. “I didn’t know if I could even get somebody to look at me or...
“The student led Gay Straight Alliance group must be treated in the same manner that all other student groups are treated"
Tam has not let anything get in the way of his work. In only his first year, he has already seen “the difference that we’re making”
The survey also found that those with “less progressive” views were more “reluctant to express” them in public
Editor’s note: The following piece is private political commentary endorsing a candidate for office and is not an official endorsement by the Los Angeles Blade or...
Salekh Magamadov and Ismail Isaev fled anti-LGBTQ crackdown