Bass has been working to dismantle systemic racism, as well as other forms of social, racial and economic injustice, for decades
“California is doubling down on our nation-leading policies to confront the climate crisis while protecting the hardest-hit communities”
Linda Thomas-Greenfield spoke at U.N. LGBTI Core Group event
“These aren’t political stickers, they are merely a signal that a teacher has the confidence to have conversations with LGBTQ+ students"
Federal class-action lawsuit challenging blanket exclusion of health care for Trans people in WVA's Medicaid & state employee health plan
"The judge just threw 300 survivors in a trash can," Steve Snyder-Hill said then adding, "a trash can with an OSU logo on it"
More than one-third are living in low-income households
The legislation has failed to garner enough congressional support for passage beginning with its initial introduction in 2011
COVID-19 test must be within 72 hours prior to event. Results can be printed, on a phone- with email/text msg results from test provider/lab
In their speeches after they took their oaths, both women laid out their visions looking towards the future of the City