“States should be able to choose protection of privacy for their employers- this illegal guidance puts many women and children at risk”
LGBTQ+ people of color — particularly black and Latinx — face disproportionate levels of violence, including gun violence
President noted crackdowns in Chechnya, Cameroon
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell forced about 14,000 service members out of the military during the 17 years that the policy was in place
Brazilian president opened U.N. General Assembly
Prime minister champions LGBTQ rights
The lives of 14,000 gay, lesbian and bisexual servicemembers were ruined by the time DADT officially ended
Nazi flags- shouts of "queer out of our neighborhoods, Sieg Heil & "you're not Spanish because you're not white." Nazi hate march in Chueca
“Empower LA!” is the first in a series of career fairs to empower Trans & non-binary people recruitment efforts by participating companies
“The rainbow tower is beautiful and has become a symbol of this community’s love and support for LGBTQ rights,” said Supervisor Hahn