The board co-chairs say among David’s “mischaracterizations” was “the assertion that there was ‘no indication of wrongdoing on his part.'”
Poland has seen a resurgence in the past three years of rightwing religious ultra-conservative groups in this heavily Catholic country
“I have the support of too many of our employees, board members and stakeholders to walk away quietly into the night,” David said.
“The court sent a clear message that Charlotte Catholic violated Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination when it fired Mr. Billard."
According to recent polling by Swiss LGBTQ+ equality rights group Pink Cross, 82% of the Swiss population supports same-sex marriage
Through his bold music Lil Nas X continues to fight for mainstream queer representation and elevate important issues around mental health
California's GOP leadership acknowledged that false claims of voter fraud by former President Trump has created reticence about mail-in voting
The duo are ready to serve up their acclaimed tasty burgers in their first brick-and-mortar restaurant on Sunset Blvd.
"When people talk about reparations, do they really want to have that conversation? Like it or not, slavery was legal," Elder said.
The happy couple delivered the news Saturday via their social media accounts