The order expires on October 3 & applies in U.S. counties experiencing substantial & high levels of community transmission levels of COVID
This fight is about getting justice for Ed Buck’s victims & also calling out all of the people along the way who failed them & enabled...
Prime minister has made homophobic, transphobic comments
A recent Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies/Los Angeles Times poll showed her tied for fifth place with 3 percent support
"I'm so proud of my team,” Quinn told the CBC. “They're my best friends. I'm so glad we're bringing back a better medal than bronze.”
After discussions and consultations with Lincoln Police, the museum and the LGBTQ+ group citing safety concerns cancelled the event.
Measure would criminalize LGBTQ identity, allyship
"The fact that LGBTQ youth drop out of sports at twice the rate of their heterosexual & gender counterparts, it doesn't have to be that way."
Territory's governor, premier among marchers
Yoan de la Cruz taken into custody on July 23