The openly gay Navarrete was arrested after investigators received complaints that he had been molesting one of the victims for several years
Among Americans now trapped in the areas under Taliban control is Josie Thomas, a Transgender U.S. government contractor
59% of LGBTQ+ respondents reported Covid-19 made them feel socially isolated, & 50% reported that it impacted their mental health.
Hormel looked up at me and said with a grave simplicity I will never forget: "I do not want to die a second class citizen."
The AbilityOne Program, is one of the nation’s largest sources of employment for people who are blind or have significant disabilities.
"We don't have a state, we do not have a country unless we have a secure border," Jenner said. "Bottom line. That's it,"
Angry mob beat them early on Aug. 8
YouTube has ignored advocates’ calls to establish and enforce a policy that bars its creators from harassing trans people
Reopening has been an encouraging step in moving forward, but it has also brought into focus new concerns at nightlife establishments.
"Jim Hormel was a barrier-breaking public servant, champion for LGBTQ equality, and cherished friend who will be dearly missed."