Supporters who say it is about a level playing field cannot even provide an example of one incident where this issue has even occurred
A class B misdemeanor could apply to those who won’t post the signs within 30 days of being warned they’re breaking the law
The team hopes to score another win for its diverse fanbase Thursday with a new retail line that isn’t limited by binary gender styles
Even though changing these outdated, ineffective and discriminatory laws is common-sense progress, this is a move in the right direction
He does not believe in a Virginia where everyone can live, work, and raise a family without being discriminated against for who they are
She's the first Black Lesbian behind the podium of the James S. Brady Press Room in the West Wing speaking for the nation's chief executive
These bills have emerged as a new culture war, with Republican state legislators introducing and voting for them amid Democratic opposition
Kay was the first out LGBTQ photo journalist, an author and partner of her beloved Barbara Gittings. They were pioneers in LGBTQ activism
A majority of Pride celebrations remain in a virtual mode or in some cases no events at all in Los Angeles this year too.
Seemingly violating hate speech policies on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, Walsh says medical care for trans kids is “molestation and rape"