Treatments for youth already taking the drugs can be gradually taken off them through Jan. 31 of 2025 according to the new law as enacted
The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $5.32, which is six cents lower than a week ago
“Social media [are] where young people increasingly turn to get information about their community, their history, their bodies & themselves”
Steven Kabuye stabbed outside his home on Jan. 3
Silveria is currently in custody. He faces up to twelve years in state prison for his crimes. Sentencing is scheduled for May 22, 2024
Louisiana — along with Mississippi, Montana and Idaho — filed suit against the federal government over newly issued rules under Title IX
Katy ISD’s board voted to require staff to notify parents if their child wants to use a different pronoun or identifies as a different gender
'This is not the time for celebrations'
"We do believe in human rights; we do believe that violence & discrimination is not OK," she said. "And we lead by example"
Putin's inaugural speech today signaled his future intentions on conducting the war in Ukraine and his ongoing persecution of LGBTQ+ Russians