School district officials confirmed the photo was authentic. They said it was taken by students at Hidden Oaks Middle School
Jack Petocz organized a state-wide student protest against Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill & annoyed administrators suspended him
"Disney has a long history of supporting LGBTQ+ organizations & charities- the Pride Collection is showing our support for the community"
The law’s vague and ambiguous language is erasing LGBTQ students, families, & history from kindergarten through 12th grade, without limits
"How are we going to erase such a diverse part of our community, our history of what makes our school so special"
An art project by students drawing, coloring and creating flags expressing who they are led to the controversy
Plaintiffs fear that they will now have to assume the tax burden that Disney previously assumed under the special tax status
Larkins' activism has done more than educate others – it's taught themself, as well. Florida cannot just be boiled down to 'rednecks & bigots'
The Republican lawmakers and Governor DeSantis seem to have as the old saying goes, "not done their homework"
The family discovered that the younger son, Oleh Makarenko, 21, was in a nine-month same-sex relationship with the victim