Tucker Carlson Tonight discussed vaccines in roughly 50% of all original episodes since Biden was inaugurated
"Millen is now calling on officials to refuse to work races where transgender swimmers are to race against biological females"
Unexpectedly Carlson pivoted to launch an unprovoked attack which included an unfounded blatant lie about the Congressman's health record
The Fox network show Fox & Friends also invited anti-critical race theory activists to defend the LGBTQ book bans
She added that "something needs to be done to protect biological women who’ve fought for an equal playing field in collegiate athletics"
Walsh is a prominent podcast host at The Daily Wire, a right-wing media outlet cesspool of bigotry & hatred which targets the LGBTQ community
Right-wing pundits distorted the details of the story in order to create a national uproar over trans rights
“He does this because he knows that his followers will be inspired & radicalized & then aim their vitriol at whoever he is attacking”
"And so you have to ask yourself, how long will it be before Joe Biden appoints his horse to the Supreme Court"
Carlson mocks Pete Buttigieg: "Paternity leave, they call it, trying to figure out how to breastfeed, no word on how that went"