Join us for a celebration in honor of Troy Masters, founder and publisher of Los Angeles Blade
‘Always working to bring awareness to causes larger than himself’
Longtime advocate for LGBTQ equality, queer journalism
An officer sitting in a police vehicle at a red light speaks into a loudspeaker, saying, “suck my dick, faggot”
Magazine founder paved the way for many queer authors
Councilmember Erik Bottcher published a series of Twitter posts revealing photos of anti-LGBTQ vandalism at his home and his office
Activists and federal officials are planning to gather on the first day of Pride Month for a long-awaited flag-raising ceremony
In Ukraine, queer people are pouring their hearts into the campaign to repel Russia’s advance
“We hope our recent feature enabling people to add their pronouns will encourage respectful and inclusive dialogue on our platform”
Edwards said he told NYPD the attackers voiced anti-LGBTQ remarks- NYPD source said nothing in the case notes indicate anti-gay comment