Although adolescents are vulnerable to societal pressure, the GSA group, Prism, have shown much courage to develop a language of resistance
ACLU & Southern Poverty Law Center lawyers noted the actions by officials potentially violated constitutional & workplace protections
Maine's motto is “Dirigo” Latin for “I Lead.” In keeping with that spirit a group of teens stepped up to make sure Pride happens this year
"We are appalled at what took place & in no way condone this type of activity in our schools. [and] commit to a thorough investigation"
Tensions and issues regarding the LGBTQ+ student population in the district's schools has been a reoccurring situation
“The student led Gay Straight Alliance group must be treated in the same manner that all other student groups are treated"
One parent said he would remove his three children from the school system if they continued to support the GSA
LGBTQ young people are more likely to experience bullying, discrimination, violence and mental health crises while in school
“To me, the flag represents love and inclusion for everybody, not just whoever is of the LGBTQIA+ community"
“These aren’t political stickers, they are merely a signal that a teacher has the confidence to have conversations with LGBTQ+ students"