"These three zealots are hellbent on a deranged vision of guns for all, leaving government powerless to protect its people"
Herod, who grew up in Colorado Springs, is the first Black LGBTQ person to hold office in the Colorado General Assembly
The group found LGBTQ people make up a significant portion of the more than 25,000 hate crimes involving a firearm in the U.S. each year
The case has yet to be presented to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office for the filing of charges
Modeled on Texas’ abortion law upheld by SCOTUS, California will allow individuals to sue for damages those spreading illegal guns
Laws to improve school safety, restrict gun possession by people convicted of child/elder abuse, & better regulate the sale of firearms
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School survivor: ‘You are reiterating the points of a mass shooter, sir, sir, you are perpetuating violence,’
The opinion expands the scope of the Second Amendment to establish a new test that will render many gun control laws unconstitutional
"California will not stand by as kids across the country are gunned down- Guns are now the leading cause of death for kids in America"
It's a measure to enable private citizens to hold the gun industry accountable through civil litigation for proliferation of illegal firearms