Festival Kicks Off on Sunday, May 22 with a Harvey Milk Day Virtual Staged Reading of ‘Dear Harvey’ Featuring an All Trans & Non-Binary Cast
The COVID drama, Newsom recall effort, 40th anniversary of AIDS pandemic, a USN ship honoring a gay pioneer- a benchmark year
"For far too long, sailors like Lt. Milk were forced into the shadows or, worse yet, forced out of our beloved Navy"
"The balance between Harvey’s history and the movement’s history feels correct- Harvey would have liked it"
Gay is indeed good, and as long as there are those willing to carry on both Frank and Harvey's legacy, then too, hope will never be...
This past week on the eve of what would have been Milk's 91st birthday Milk's nephew elected officials and other dignitaries toured the ship
Harry Britt, the gay San Francisco Supervisor who wrote California’s first domestic partnership law that was infamously vetoed by Mayor Dianne Feinstein in 1982, died early Wednesday,...
As the onslaught of anti-LGBTQI+ animus continues from the Trump administration, particularly targeting the Trans community, this day in celebration of one of California’s early LGBTQI+...
Paying tribute and clarifying history
The USNS Harvey Milk is a ship whose time has finally come. Construction on the ship, a fleet oiler named for the slain LGBTQ icon, began...