Outrage over the murder had led to the State of Washington enacting a law to prevent a "gay panic defense."
Dept. of Justice report doesn't disclose how many suspects not prosecuted for a hate crime were prosecuted for underlying criminal offense
"Joshua received brain surgery and is currently fighting for his life. We have all been by his side as he attempts to recover"
This is the second time within the past two years the statue has been vandalized with graffiti often associated with white supremacist groups.
The Loudoun County’s Sheriff’s Office said the vandals damaged five Pride flags from three homes and they stole two more
He was accused of damaging the crosswalk mural while he was part of a caravan to celebrate former President Trump’s 75th birthday
Delivery of bill to Congress was held up due to protocols related to Jan. 6 riots
The law calls for the establishment of online reporting of hate crimes or incidents
We can commit to addressing it in a way that protects LGBTQ Bucknellians and better ensures their safety in the future
Coping with societal challenges through empathy