The US Food and Drug Administration also maintains a total ban on sperm donations from men who have sex with men
“To my Republican friends, if we could work together in the last Congress, there is no reason we can’t work together in this new Congress”
‘Without homosexuals there would be no culture’
David Lauterstein, co-founder of the popular clothing brand Nasty Pig with husband, Frederick Kearne received an invitation to the White House
Former farm boy turned lawyer turned former Executive Director of Equality California turned politician, Rick Zbur speaks with the Blade
Achievements PEPFAR have been remarkable, well-documented by outside evaluators, and hugely applauded throughout the advocacy community
In an exclusive interview the former House Speaker credits activists who fought for AIDS funding & marriage equality
"We remain steadfast in our commitment to advancing innovation in HIV & hope the data from Mosaico will provide insights for future efforts"
Tuesday’s appropriations bill will be the final spending package passed with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi serving as Democratic leader.
A combination of pharma greed, government squeamishness & the libertine position of advocates left us unprotected from a tidal wave of STIs