An active hate crime investigation is underway as is an investigation into the annoying and harassing of children
Footage on Twitter showed the police responding to students with pepper powder balls and excessive use of force
One parent stated she believed that the presence of Pride flags and discussions of sexuality and gender identity could end up harming students
In regard to the suspect the West Palm Beach Police Deputy Chief noted; "I can say through his statement that there's no remorse"
At least five players from the Tampa Bay Rays baseball team during the team's 16th annual Pride Night refused to wear LGBTQ+ patches
He believed the new commissioner would also need to “win back the trust and confidence of too many Londoners that has been lost”
The organizers of the drag event billed it as a "family-friendly" drag queen story hour event at Mr. Misster
Lovettsville Mayor Nathaniel Fontaine expressed disagreement with the body’s decision following the proclamation’s failure to advance
"LGBQT+ movement seeks to destabilize our country with divisive rhetoric-Transgenderism and Pedophilia are now rampant in our society"
Kimmel went after Rep. Greene who this past week claimed LGBTQ+ education will make straight people extinct