Last month, some parents and other community members railed against creating a GSA at a Lakeland School Board meeting on December 6, 2021
“‘Radical’ describes religious zealots who insist that their superstitions are more applicable to medical conditions than medical science”
"If anything, we can turn some of the hate in this into some donations for the Trevor Project. It’s kind of a win-win for everybody"
"Why are we allowing places that aren’t safe for ALL fans and ALL players to host our most prestigious sporting events?”
Tam has not let anything get in the way of his work. In only his first year, he has already seen “the difference that we’re making”
One parent said he would remove his three children from the school system if they continued to support the GSA
Carlson & right wing radio host Jesse Kelly launched into an odious critique with a heaping dose of reeking rectal opening rubbish
The Fox network show Fox & Friends also invited anti-critical race theory activists to defend the LGBTQ book bans
“People experience a lot of hurt from things that are said to them online, and that is what we are trying to address”
The company explained that "certain kinds of videos can sometimes inadvertently reinforce a negative personal experience for some viewers