The bills sponsor has stated that he would introduce a bill to stop drag events from "evil grooming" by making it a felony
Piaf had been the target of hundreds of online complaints after ads for the $75-$150 event including “drag entertainers” were circulated
Investigators received additional reports of disturbances & anti-LGBTQ flyers at other LGBTQ friendly businesses around Tulsa
Enforcement provisions in the law that apply to book removals and educational materials were set to take effect January 1, 2024
Kentucky’s law is one of the nation’s most sweeping anti-LGBTQ+ laws, limits instruction of human sexuality/gender identity in schools
The special Drag Queen Storytime was organized by Supervisor Horvath & Pickle Drag Queen, and was taken over by a mob of protestors
The lawsuit, filed in Worcester County Superior Court, seeks relief to allow the 2024 Small Town Pride celebration
"It is a chilling thing. Pray for this nation every day. We are in a spiritual war between good and evil. God deliver us"
Anti-LGBTQ+ pseudoscience groups using the language of science to attack the medical consensus supporting LGBTQ+ affirming health care
Bailey related a story from just this past October, when he was in Washington D.C. attending the annual Human Rights Campaign National Dinner