“It was definitely an act of hate directed at the LGBTQ community and a lot of students felt it, you know, felt that attack very acutely”
Josh Mandel has a lengthy history of making anti-LGBTQ & anti-refugee statements and he is opposed to coronavirus mandates
In his latest special on Netflix, Chappelle once again attacks trans people’s identities, and mocks them as part of his act
Removal of the LGBTQ youth resource webpage appeared to be strictly political the Houston Chronicle reported
New York Times best selling author Kurt Eichenwald led the twitter thread in response calling out Rogers for her homophobic tweet
The emails were discovered in a workplace misconduct investigation into the Washington Football Team the New York Times reported
After interacting exclusively with transphobic videos on TikTok, Media Matters was fed extremist content by the company’s “For You” page
“The role of a leader is to bring people together and stand up for the dignity and rights of everyone; not to spread hate"
"There's no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth"
Kim Has Long Record of Opposing LGBTQ+ Civil Rights, Called Legislation To Protect LGBTQ+ Students "Stupid, Crazy Bill"