Marriage was defined as being only between opposite genders and not enough debate on same-sex marriage had taken place in Japanese society
WHO on May 17, 1990, declassified homosexuality as mental disorder
Partnership will bring more investments, increase sharing on critical technology, clean energy priorities & strengthen trade relations
I feel proud seeing `Quinn' on the lineup- I feel sad knowing there were Olympians before me unable to live their truth because of this world
By Human Rights Watch Japan | TOKYO – The Japanese government’s failure to pass a national nondiscrimination law to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people before...
Pandemic-postponed games to open in July
Japanese government urged to introduce nondiscrimination bill before games
The Sapporo court sided with the plaintiffs & found government’s failure to recognize the marriages of same-sex couples is “unconstitutional
Careful budgeting, understanding tax implications are key
The Fab Five will film four episodes